Where does money come from? According to my little sister…

Published on 29 October 2022 at 21:20

(Do not try this at home please, this is not true!) 

Where does money come from?

Money comes from trees. If you want to have a money tree you need to bury a coin in ground and water it everyday. When the money tree grows you can pick the money out of the tree. Make sure not to rip the money! If you water it a lot, it will turn into apples. If your pet eats money you will have to feed it flowers. Also a machine in the wall give money for free! (ATM)

Where does money go? 

Once you give your money to someone you will get more money because there is a money fairy. If you loose or give your money to someone the money fairy will come in the middle of the night and put $100 in your piggy bank. The money fairy lives in the money castle. She has a lot of money stored in her chest. Also the machine in the wall ( ATM) can suck up money from your hand. If you press a button your money in your hand will disappear! 

Money in the future..

In the future you can eat money and then your face will turn into a tomato. Money will be rainbow coloured, if you see a diamond money you have to give it to the police because it is really rare. It is so rare that if you touch it your hands will turn into concrete. In the future you can have your face on the money. You have to sign a form that says “ Want your face on a coin”? Once you sign it a camera person comes and takes a photo of your face. Then 5 months later you face will be on a coin. 

How my little sister counts money…

One time in Tasmania we went to the Salamanca Market. There was a key ring for $5. My sister wanted to buy it so she asked mum, mum said yes. She got the key ring she wanted off the shelf and went to the cash register to pay for it. When the lady said it was $5 my sister gave her 5 20 cent coins thinking it was $5. It was so funny! My mum helped pay for it. 


None of this is true… This is how my sister thinks where money comes and goes from. Please don’t feed your pet money or plant a coin in the ground or hope if you lose money the money fairy will come and give you $100. 

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